Eligibility Requirements

  • Requirements for Playing in an Interscholastic Contest

    Students will not be issued a game uniform nor will they be allowed to participate in an interscholastic contest until the following items have been completed:

    • Acknowledgement of Risk and Insurance Statement/ Emergency Permission Form
    • Annual Pre-Participation Physical Examination and Evaluation Form
    • Concussion Acknowledgment
    • Student/Parent Contract
    • The student satisfies all rules of academic eligibility

    Academic Eligibility

    In order to participate in interscholastic athletics, students must be passing with 70% or better in all of their classes at the time of an eligibility check. If eligibility is lost, it may be regained at a subsequent scheduled eligibility check provided or sooner, considering the student meets the minimum requirements.

    During the ineligible period, student-athletes may try out for a sport that begins in the following grading period, but they may not play with the team or miss any class time until they meet the academic standards at a scheduled eligibility check. Students must still attend practice. 

    School Administration will notify the Athletic Director and Coaches of all changes in eligibility status and verify grade changes. Students who are ineligible are required to meet with their teachers to create a plan of action that the student is required to abide by.  Teachers will need ample time to assess the reasons for the ineligibility and create a plan of action, therefore, students have access to family link to track their eligibility status prior to grade checks.

    Transfer Eligibility

    Any student planning to play sports and who has transferred to NFL YET from another high school must see the Athletic Director or coaches to receive eligibility information or clearance.  Students transferring schools are not eligible to participate in sports unless procedures and/or forms have been completed.  Not following these procedures would result in penalties for the school, the athletic program and your child (forfeitures, sanctions, ineligibility, etc.).

    The first step is to fill out Form 520 for Transferring Student Athletic Eligibility with the AIA which can be accessed by clicking AIA FORM 520

    Athletic Equipment

    Uniforms and equipment provided by the school must be returned at the conclusion of the season.  Items not returned will be charged to student's account and may prevent them from participating in other sports or seasons.

    Appeal Process

    Due process consists of a set of required procedures designed to ensure that every student is treated fairly in determining student’s ineligibility.  If the student or parent feels like they have been treated unjust, they may request an appeal with Administration.

    Grade Check Dates

    For Grade Check Date's click on the "Calendar" tab in the Menu Bar above.