To enroll your student:
- Option 1: Please print and complete a Student Enrollment Application using the link below and return it to the Front Office.
- Option 2: Visit our Front Office to request a Student Enrollment Application.
Student Enrollment Application - Reyes Maria Ruiz Leadership Academy
Student Enrollment Application - NFL Yet College Prep Academy
GENERAL ADMISSIONAll schools operated by ESPIRITU Community Development Corp. are open-enrollment schools. ESPIRITU will provide an equal opportunity to anyone who comes to the doors seeking a quality educational experience and will employ an open admissions process.
As an operator of publicly funded charter schools, ESPIRITU will not discriminate in its enrollment practices on the basis of gender, race, color, national origin, religion, disability, athletic performance, economic status, or proficiency in the English language. As an operator of Arizona charter schools, ESPIRITU does not have attendance boundaries and therefore does not prohibit enrollment based on a pupil’s residence anywhere within the state of Arizona. ESPIRITU complies with all Arizona Revised Statutes and federal law regarding enrollment and attendance at chartered public schools.
All qualified applicants are admitted to ESPIRITU to the extent that capacity exists. Each year, the school will announce its open-enrollment for the upcoming year and provide enrollment applications for parents to complete. Students who are already enrolled in ESPIRITU's schools will be given first preference to continue their enrollment with the school. If, during any open enrollment period, more completed applications are received than available school seats for a particular grade (per Board approved class sizes), then applications will be selected through the random lottery process to determine the order for offering admission. All applications received during the open enrollment period are given equal weight in the lottery process. The following applicants who will be given preferred enrollment, i.e., moved to the top of the wait-list and enrolled as soon as there is an opening: (a) siblings of already enrolled students, (b) children of staff members or governing board members of ESPIRITU, and (c) students enrolled in a school managed by the same Charter Management Organization.
A public lottery is administered after the conclusion of each open enrollment period by the school administration using a blind selection process. All applications received during the open enrollment period are given equal weight in the lottery process. Results of the lottery are sent to applicants immediately following the lottery. Once all available classroom spaces are filled, the remaining eligible applicants will be entered onto a waiting list for each grade in the order in which they occur on the enrollment list.
Kindergarten Admission
Students must be 5 years of age by September 1 to be admitted into Kindergarten and 6 years of age by September 1 to be admitted into First Grade.